It is with terrific pleasure that I reveal the winners of the Fubarino contest (alphabetical order): Brian, Daniel, Dave, Dominic, Eric, Gerben, James, Joel, Joseph, Laurens, Luis, Mats, Mike, Nathanael, Pete, Peter, Sebastian, Taciuc, Vojtěch, as well as Wes. They rose to the difficulty as well as added our URL as an Easter Egg in their microcontroller project. Their hacks were chosen for their creativity, as well as completeness of presentation. Gratulacje! links to all twenty project features want the break in reverse purchase in which they were originally published. To see all the entries hit up the contest tag.

We likewise want to take a moment to thank Microchip technology Inc. They not only put up twenty Fubarino SD boards as prizes, they are likewise covering the cost of shipping to each winner. numerous thanks!

We thought it was interesting that the twenty winners live in 11 different countries: Brazil, Canada, Czech Republic, Germany, Malaysia, Romania, South Africa, Spain, The Netherlands, UK, as well as the USA. Hackaday really is a global community!

If you are one of the winners please leave your acceptance speech in the comments section. This is likewise a terrific place to leave feedback — if you didn’t submit an entry we want to know why!

Contest Winners:

Splash screen On System Reset

Micro Voltmeter

Custom Mech Warrior online Controller

Bluetooth control For PC Psu

Oscilloscope Clock

Fpga Pong

Hackaday In Your Soldering Iron

A sculpted room With Leds

A really Really Old Plotter

Single Pcb Synth

The problem Of Being very good At Foosball

Minecraft Zelda Arduinos as well as Hackaday

Persistence Of Vision Clock

A Dutch Word Clock

Led Matrix game Console

Game kid Printer

Battery capability Tester

A Shifter With An Easter Egg

Vfd Clock

Morse Code Transmitter


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